Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Insomniac #2

Went to bed at 10:34 and 39 seconds tonight (last night?) and still haven’t fallen asleep…may have dosed for 3 minutes and 67 seconds, but I’m not certain of that…it is now 1:52 AM, March 4, 2009…so I’ve decided to write again…I can tell the inspiration is flowing…I’m pumped about the no sleep again…it’s a beautiful day…mide as well see all of it I can…I realized that often what keeps me up is that my conscience decides to do stand-up comedy during the dosing stages of sleepdom…my brother having usually just gotten home from work, hears me laughing in my sleep…some people snore, I laugh…um, deal with it…of course, I’m not really sleeping at this point, but have awoken, but not completely…I’m in dose stage so I cross my fingers under my pillow that I consider flipping because the side being used at the moment is getting too warm…yet, I don’t want to flip it and unhinge this glorious dose phase…so I cross the fingers which if you’ve ever tried makes it harder to fall asleep…try it tonight…I hope it doesn’t work for you…so, often when sleep deprivation kicks in, I find everything funny…my conscience tells the audience he’s thinking about making a newspaper about saving trees…and is also kicking around his novel in the works that has just in-between lines…and this of course, of course is hilarious unless you’re a horse…they are born without a sense of humor…so I laugh…but then burst out crying because I realize tomorrow (now today) is going to be another horrible day because of no sleep…and now the pillow is wet…

I’ve got the no-sleep blues
Yeah, I’ve got the no-sleep blues girl
So if you ain’t doing nothing tonight, this morning
Come over and let’s drink some booze
And maybe, maybe we could get a refund on your boob job
And instead take a cruise
I’ve got the no-sleep blues
But that shit ain’t any news
‘Cause I’ve been not in the bidness of snooze
Since Stella Got Back Her Groove Back (that’s what she thank)
No-sleep blues
Well alright Chall…

…and another step toward taking ‘the city that never sleeps’ too seriously.

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