Monday, March 19, 2012


...the guessing game begins with it's between a Gary and a's not, I'm not Gina...not even close...go sit down and think about the consequences of such a rediculous, in about 35 seconds I'm going to tell you to sit down and ponder too...however, first I want you to realize that mirrors do exist and I look nothing like a fact, there are not enough Gordys in this world for anybody to look like Gordy...there are those that you look at and say, "Yeah, that dude's a Robert, and that dude's a Charlie, and that dude's a doubt about it, that guy is a Dick"...under no circumstance do you see somebody for the first time and think it's a gordy...put this in your notes...

...Hey Dick...put this in your notes...

...My name isn't's Raheem...

...Well, Raheem...your parents misnamed're definetly a Dick...what's your last name?...


...Well, Dick, it looks like I'm doing you a favor...because Raheem Raheem is rediculous...for now on write on your papers on the nameline, Dick gives it some meat, and fits your persona well...because when people see you for the first time...they say, "Yeah, that guy's a Dick...a real"...Shut yo mouth...

...Class dismissed...

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